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The Impact of a Defining Moment

by | Feb 11, 2021 | News Release

Sarah Oeltjenbruns, Performance Partner

Customer interactions are layered with defining moments—the opportunities for your employees to go the extra mile with excellent service that sets you and your organization apart, in a positive way. The impact is significant because these are the moments when customers are open to your suggestions for additional products and services.

Your teams have opportunities all day, every day, to look and listen for emerging and unrecognized customer needs. Here are some defining moments and specific tips to help front-line staff and their managers maximize them:

What you say & how you say it
Use positive words and phrasing to focus on what can be done versus what can’t. For example, using words that convey courtesy, caring and confidence with appropriate tone, volume and pace.

Effective questioning skills
Use open/close-ended questions to gather information and confirm. For example, asking questions to really understand what the need is. Remember a best practice is to ask permission before asking questions of the customer.

Making a personal connection
Use conversation starters that help you relate to your customers and makes them feel at ease. This is an important moment for building deeper relationship with customers.

Sending an email
Use the follow-up email to acknowledge the customer’s request on the same business day. Don’t forget the importance of good grammar and proper punctuation. For skill practice, managers should have employees practice correcting poorly written emails, and then review as a team.

Defining moments have an impact on the customer experience. When building customer relationships, you only have a handful of opportunities to impress them. Lead your team with skill practice activities that make every opportunity as a time to shine.

For a free worksheet on editing poorly written emails, and/or to learn more about our Service Excellence program, visit the contact us page on www.cf-pm.com

Center for Practical Management helps companies achieve organizational goals and behavioral change initiatives through tailored consulting services, leadership coaching, employee skills training and marketing services. Learn more at www.cf-pm.com.